Update on social impact bonds in Australia

The New South Wales government in Australia has made some progress with its social impact bond program. NSW started looking at SIBs about a year ago. Here are some details on their work so far.

SIB 1: Foster Care

Size: $10 million
Population: 550 families
Duration: 5 years
Target outcome: Number of days that children spend in foster care

Government: NSW, Australia
Nonprofits: Benevolent Society
Investors: Westpac Corporation and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Intermediary: Mission Australia and Social Finance (different organization from Social Finance UK)

SIB 2: Foster Care

Size: $10 million
Population: Unknown number of children up to 5 years old and their parents
Duration: 7 years
Target outcome: Number of days that children spend in foster care

Government: NSW, Australia
Nonprofits: UnitingCare Burnside
Investors: Westpac Corporation and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Intermediary: Mission Australia and Social Finance (different organization from Social Finance UK)

SIB 3: Youth Recidivism

Size: $7 million
Population: 500 young adult repeat offenders
Duration: 6 years
Target outcome: Unknown 

Government: NSW, Australia
Nonprofits: Unknown
Investors: Unknown
Intermediary: Mission Australia and Social Finance (different organization from Social Finance UK)




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